Oji And A Guest In Igbo Land

Oji (Kola nut) in Igbo tradition when presented to a visitor, is a sign of hospitality.

No discussion can start without the host and his guest breaking a kola nut.
If a visitor refuses to partake in the rituals or chew a piece offered to him, he is taken as a hostile visitor and the host, will be on his guard while dealing with such a visitor.
Kola nut brought for a visitor, must be wholesome, a single lobe is not offered but even numbers.    They must not be infected as it is a mark of rudeness, hostility for a guest to offer his guest an infected or dry kola nut.     

After the breaking of the kola nut, a visitor is expected to disclose his mission.
Apart from sign of hospitality, Oji is also a sacred fruit. It is a must ingredient in any attempt to commune and appease the gods, seek interventions from the ancestors.

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