Africa A Spiritually Conquered Nation

There is no need re-echoing the conquered state of Africa politically. This poor enslaved state of Africa, was cemented in 1884-85 at the Berlin Conference that Balkanized Africa and gifted her to European powers.

Aside from this Balkanization and colonization that followed, Africa was also spiritually colonized, mentally messed up and the Chief priests of African gods, became modernized, abandoning the African ways.

Colonial artifacts became “Africanized” and found their ways incorporated into African spiritualism.   The gods were forced by their priests, to stop taking palm wine and were given Seaman Schnapps, Fanta, Portuguese brewed wine, gunpowder etc.
Mirror became part of African divination item, ceramics and glass, took over from wood and clay used in worship.
Generation of Chief Priests, handed down this corrupt form of worship to their successors.  African deities are carved with European features. Doll babies are used, European masks, effigies are now called African gods.
This corruption, is still on going and we are now in neo-spiritual colonization.

African Chief priests, now have spiritual mentors in India, Saudi Arabia, China and far East. They now cast  afa using Hindu, Buddha and other Asian gods artifacts.
This is disheartening. African deities are now appeased with foreign alcoholic drinks, instead of indigenous African palm wine- fresh or fermented. Sweet, sugary biscuits and other colonial delicacies are demanded by Chief priests to appease the gods.

   I am sure the gods are not happy with this continuous feeding them with European poison and crave for return to the days before the white man landed with their ship.

This longing may be difficult as the sons of Africa, have migrated, mastered the whiteman’s craft and gladly want to show gratitude to African deities by giving them, best of the best of the spoils of war, they got from raiding the Whiteman.

Be this as it may, I am still interested in finding out and reviving the authentic pre-colonial, pre-slavery mode of worship and appeasement of African gods but will the materials used still be in existence or are now extinct?

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