Azaraegbelu; Orie-Nwinyi 2022

Contrary to wildly accepted oral rendition that  Azaraegbelu is one of the 10 sons of Ezelukwu, facts are emerging that  Azaraegbelu is not the son of Ezelukwu but an amalgamation of the sons of Ezelukwu, founder of Emekuku. Proponents of this school of thought, point out to the fact that the constituent villages of Azaraegbelu all migrated from existing villages of Emekuku and their ancestral homes are still traceable.

According to Azara of Azara, Chief Joe Ajaero, one of the proponents, Azaraegbelu founded around the 17th century, was Azara ndi bi Egbelu, with the movement of Umu Okorobia Azara to wage the the rampaging Mbaise, which claimed that river is the boundary between towns.
Today, coming from Umuahia to Owerri, Umuokoro, is the first village you will meet in Azaraegbelu immediately after Mbaise.    Umuokoro, were the first to inhabit Ezelukwu’s farm and stood as a defense line against Akpaobi, an Umuahia warlord, who was crushing villages on his way with intent of conquering Owerri, haven taken Mbaise.

Amachara, Onum and Umuezuhu migrated from their ancestral homes to join their elder brother Umuoko in present day Azaraegbelu.
The only market in Azaraegbelu is called Orie-Nwinyi and she is also among the most prominent markets in Emekuku.
One the Orie-Nwinyi is celebrated on the Orie market day after Nkwo Emeke had gone.
The date of her celebration is not fixed but flexible and the custodians of the ancient calendar of Emekuku determines the date.

Because of the influence of Catholicism in Azaraegbelu and the celebration of Orie-Nwinyi, after December 25th, it is erroneously referred to as Azaraegbelu Christmas Day.
This years own, will be on Orie Sunday, 1st day of January 2023. Igbo Calendar of 4 days a week, 7 weeks a month and 13 months a year, makes January 2023 part of igbo year 2022.
On January 1st, 2023, Orie, will be reverenced. Ndi odinala (upholders of custom), will observe the appropriate rites and rituals before the merriment and carnival commence at the market square, with Christians joining the fanfare.

Masquerades from different part of Emekuku usually graces the occasion.

This year, masquerades will not appear because their is ban on masquerading in Emekuku by Ndi Oha Emeke since December 2018 after a son of the soil was murdered during Nkwo Emeke Day Celebration.

Drumming, masquerade steps and other paraphernalia of masquerading, will be on display but the head of the masquerade will not be carried as the head is the spirit and with its appearance other spirits, particularly Ekwensu will be in attendance.
With alcohol and herb consumption high at this ceremony, yielding to Ekwensu’s propping is easy for young men and violence-usually cutting rivals with cutlass is guaranteed.

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