On God, Man, the Bible, the Igbos and the Jews-By Kevin Adinnu

It has been proved scientifically that man first saw the light of day in Africa (precisely between Kenya and South Africa) and not in any Garden of Eden as the Bible preaches.
Man migrated to other parts of the world from Africa. The differences in pigmentation is a result of environmental factors starting with glaciation in ancient Europe.
You can consult the works of the world-acclaimed Senegalese scholar, Cheikh Anta Diop.
I was born a Christian but I am sorry to say that the creation story in the Bible is fiction. Other religions have their creation stories different from that in the Bible.
All these differences arose because man is still searching for God or the Supreme Being. He is still the biggest “x” that adherents of different faiths and even philosophers are stii trying to unravel.  The Bible says that God created man in his own image. Man is finite. God is infinite. This means that man is not endowed with all the attributes of God.

We should not see God as a transcendental being outside nature remote-controlling happenings in the object he created. He does not need to create because that presupposes he is not complete and has needs. He does not have needs and does not need to create things outside himself. He is perfect and infinite.
God is nature and nature is God. Everything you see shares in God and is part of God mutating from one form to another in an unending cycle. God is like energy that can neither be destroyed nor created.
And logically, we should also stop attributing to God attributes of man like anger and ready to visit his wrath on his “creatures”. Those are not attributes of an infinite, perfect God (You can refer to the works of Spinoza for more on this).
The problem some of us have is that we still see the Bible as the only “authority” on God. There are a lot of other holy books which also lay claim to being authorities on God. Nobody knows who is right because they are all belief systems built on faith.
They are all belief systems built by man who is still searching for God not knowing that he is one with God. I have escaped from these religious prisons. I am an integral part of God.
Today I am a nominal Christian knowing full well that Christianity is just one among numerous options. And no one religion is superior to the other because they are all built on intelligent guesses whether inspired by the holy spirit or stumbled into in a trance.
We are all blind trying to describe an elephant from different angles.

NB: Some “intellectuals” go about brainwashing my fellow Igbos that they migrated to Africa from Israel and therefore they are Jews. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The truth is that it is from Africa that man migrated to other parts of the world including Israel. Secondly, the Jews served black Pharoahs in Africa. Yes, Egyptian pyramids were built by blacks under black Pharoahs. The Jews spent 400 years in Egypt under black Pharaohs.
Whatever cultural similarities Israel shares with Africa were borrowed from Africa and not the other way round. It was the result of a long sojourn in Egypt.
We should promote our African heritage and stop making mockery of ourselves by pretending to be what we are not.

Kevin Ebele Adinnu
Abidjan, 14 Jan 2023
Happy New Year folks!

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