Legions Of Darkness Exposed

We are surrounded and influenced by many forces, both good and evil. We have the right and option to choose what influence becomes a part of our everyday life experience.
However, we must keep in mind that we live in a world in which negative elements have the upper hand; this is because most people follow a negative pattern of thought, speech and action.     

In the first chapter of this work I revealed how that the entities known as”fallen angels” form the distorted tree of life in this physical dimension.
They inspire all negative thinking, speaking and action, of every description.    

It is this consciousness which influences the general thinking of the world. They do not work against any one individual, unless that person is a direct threat to the forces of darkness.
Such a person would be a fervent worker for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.   

If the person is making headway in personal development and influencing others for good, he or she may find that things may happen to discourage them from completion of their mission in life.
The great founders of truth systems such as Jesus, Moses and others were targets of direct attack from these forces.

Earthbound Entities
Earthbound entities are tormented souls of people who remain attached to certain things they have know in life, after they leave here through physical death.
Not all earthbound souls are evil: some of them are confused individuals who refused to find the true meaning of life while alive. Others are too attached to things and people who remain a part of this physical existence.
I am not saying that it is wrong to care about things and people. What I am saying is that when we depart from this physical life we must release everything and everyone we have known to follow their own course and destiny, for we will then have to adjust to our new surroundings and responsibilities on the other side.      

An earthbound often wanders among the land of the living observing living persons doing the things they liked to do.    

This is a form of torment which they suffer, only because they have not released their hold on life and resolved their problems.
Some earthbound souls are downright evil. They are the discarnate souls of people, who during life, were negative in their dealings with other people.

When a person constantly thinks or feels negative, resentful, degenerative, spiteful or any other type of negation, that person will be in a very dark state of being after physical death unless they repent.  These type of earthbounds observe living persons who may be weak or troubled and victimize such persons by implanting negative thoughts in the person’s mind through mental telepathy.
They take great pleasure in making people suffer and cause anxiety, arguments between couples, misunderstandings between friends and other things which cause heartache to living humans.      They try to break down and possess a person so that they can use their body to perform horrible deeds to the point of murder or suicide in many cases.

They frequent such places as taverns and areas of cities where negative vibrations run rampant, just waiting for the opportunity to pounce on vulnerable people.
However, it is important that you understand that they do not just remain in such places; they may also be found wandering into ordinary homes and rural areas, always looking for a chance to poison someone with their negativity. When we realize such forces exist we can better arm ourselves against them and be more aware of the thoughts which pass through our mind.

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