Azaraowalla Elders Council Welcomes Comrade Joe The NLC President

Being the text of welcome address by Azaraowalla Elders Council at the homecoming celebration of Comrade Joe Ajaero, NLC President on Tuesday 14th Day of February 2023.    
Azaraowalla council of Elders heartily rejoices, thanking God for the grand opportunity he has afforded us to appreciate and celebrate our able and dynamic son, Comrade Joe Best Ugwumba Ajaero (Ohamadike 1) as he climbs to the pinnacle of the Labour union ladder.

With shouts of acclamation and joy, we say: To God be the glory. Great things he has done! We are much grateful to our lord for blessing us with a son he has designed to belong to the very revered coterie that matters- the elite class of the nation, whose contribution leads to the upliftment of the Nigeria Society. Joe Best advocates excellence and he practices it to a nicety.
A man of best practices has been duely recognized and is distinctly treated with tremendous respect and honour. We his Kinsmen, sincerely appreciate and acknowledge his rise to prominence. We are delighted and we bask in the success.

Joe, you have brought Azaraowalla to recognition and put us in a strategic niche in the position of fame among communities.

Henceforth, we do not remain in isolation in a class of learned societies. What is more? Azaraowalla is now, with due respect, in the league table of communities with proven mature leaders.
We believe that at this very auspicious time in our nation building, no idea can be more apt for the nation than this very appointment to our son- Joe, a Unique and sincere gentleman with ability to always resolve issues.
Joe is a resilient stuff but he wears humility like a gold chain.

Joe as we know him, personifies the best in all his endeavors. He is a man of pedigree whose ideas always center on emphasis on the design and pursuit of a success formula.
His indelible landmarks as the Secretary General National Union of Electricity Employees of Nigeria remain an inspiration to the management. Joe’s intimidating profile picked him out by preference in any future contest of the Union. No wonder other candidates shied away from contesting and confronting this ‘Man’ Joe Best

Assuredly, through you, God has given Nigeria in this critical and fateful period, someone with moral boldness to checkmate issues, policies and actions of government concerning workers.

Your leadership of Labour Union, we are sure, will sketch out critical and implementable foundation for good growth to rest on. It will usher in speed and acceleration for development and achievement for workers in Nigeria. And it will uphold worker’s prestige and safeguard their interest in accordance with the purpose of which the Labour Union

We, the Elders wish our son Joe Best continued God’s abundant grace and favour. Ugwumba, may your destiny paths continue to shine brighter and brighter in this move.
As you journey into the future, may the Almighty God bless you and keep you, and make his face shine upon you, multiplying every impartation and joy you have received from him since entering into this job.
May his Holy Spirit liven you up to bring forth fruits of righteousness that will bless Nigerian workers on daily basis. May his visitation on our nation, Nigeria be sustained. We pray for his hands of blessing and protection to continue to cover your family.

God bless Azaraowalla.

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