Who is Osu?

Contrary to popular English definition, Osu is not caste system.
Osu is not the servant of the gods or temple servants.
The British not understanding us, looked at everything African, from European eyes and understanding.
Osu, is a human being and his descendants, whose forefather(s) was given to the gods in exchange for a life demanded to appease the gods.
When a man, kindred, community in Igbo land has any problem, they consult Dibia ohuzor(Diviner) He consults the gods, ancestors and based on what is revealed, the Diviner prescribed the condiments required to remedy the problem.
If it is a minor issue, a cock is used. If it is greater than a cock to solve, a he-goat/ram is demanded. Where the blood of goat/ram cannot atone and bring succor to the afflicted, a bull is asked for. Depending on what the gods want, the animals may be sacrificed outrightly or kept to roam the village as sacred animals belonging to the gods. No sane person, dares touch them.
But there comes a time, when animals blood would not be enough and the gods ask for human sacrifice.
Because it is a taboo to spill the blood of Nwadiala; a kinsman, those whom the gods require human sacrifice from, goes to a neighboring village to raid, kidnap or buy a human being to sacrifice. Like the animals required, not all human are demanded to be sacrificed by the gods.
Those not sacrificed, are taken by the gods and they become Osu.
They do not minister in the shrine as the priesthood is sacred and it is only a true born, that can intercede for the community.
These human sacrifices, are kept far (mostly at the periphery of the evil forest) from the other members of the community, often close to the shrine of the deity that they were “sacrificed” to.  The members of community discriminates against them as they weren’t original members of any known bloodline in the community.
Secondly they are the properties of the gods. Like the sacred animals, they are allowed to roam within the social circle but not entitled to the full rights of the community, especially marriage.     

This code is so strict that, if a true son or daughter of the soil or freeborn intermarries, he/she automatically loses his/her rights and become Osu too.
The lineage of Osu, is kept and everything is done to keep them from polluting the lineage of freeborns.

Osu In Modern Igboland
As humans evolve and adapt European values, discrimination becomes an unlawful act. The states in the South East are labouring to erase this discrimination but they have not succeeded. Even efforts by the Church, has yielded insignificant positive results.
Descendants of Osu are still treated as Osu and politically, in most South East states, Osu would be disqualified from elective posts, if it is whispered and ascertained that you are Osu.
Osu is not allowed to break kola nuts at meetings or pour a libation or pray to God on behalf of a freeborn at any community gathering.

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