Nkushi Nwanyi-Widow Inheritance Among Ndi Igbo

In igbo custom, a young widow, is inherited kuchi, kushi by a male surviving relation of her dead husband. It is Levirate manage and different from Ghost Marriage.
This inheritance is not automatic, like inheriting a property from the Will & Last Testament of the deceased.
It is a form of marriage and marriage rites are done, the widow’s family partaking in the inheritance rites. The spirit of the late husband, is also appeased and the widow cleansed before Levir can go into her and start procreating.  Children of this union, belong to the Levir and not to the dead brother. He is not procreating in the name of his late brother as was the case in Ghost Marriage.

Why Inherit A Widow?     
It is not all Widows that are eligible to be inherited. Old widows with grown up children, are exempted from this practice. She must in most cases be young, with young children, who needs fatherly protection.   The brother or relation of the widow’s husband, marries her, to offer this protection and get the children to grow under his hut. He provides for them equally with whatever he gives his family.
This practice was encouraged to make sure that strangers do not take over the farm land of the deceased brother, especially since his male children are young and not yet mature enough to hold the head of the cutlass.

It also provides enough workforce to till the land for the man marrying the widow.
It also brings sexual stability and discipline in the community. A young widow within her sexual active prime, loose in the community is a risk to marriages as men facing domestic challenges, will gyrate to his hut at wee hours of the morning to tame the hurt they suffered last night in the hands of their wives.

Why It Is No Longer In Vogue  
It is no longer in vogue, doesn’t mean it is not still practiced in igbo land. But it is no longer common because;
Most young girls are now woke. They would rather remain single mothers after the death of their husbands than be considered an inherited widow. Furthermore, they prefers going back to their ex as a mistress or part time prostitutes instead of being a second wife to their late husband’s relation. When inclined to re-marry, most will opt to marry outside their husband’s clan as they claim; marriage within the clan, reminds them of their late husband and they would want to cut ties with the dead, start afresh and merely carry the memories of the love they shared.

2.Resources are scarce and men no longer want to waste their resources to cater for a woman and children who do not belong to him. A widow and her children in the past increased a man’s pool of labour for farm work. Farming is increasingly becoming less important as a measure of wealth and status symbol.

3. Most young men, are no longer willing to raise children which they may not benefit from in future.
4. It is against Christian ethics, as it frowns on polygamy.

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