The Animals In You—By Bishop of The Sinners Assembly

Why was Jesus addressed as lion of the tribe of Judah  as well as a lamb? At what point will he manifest the attribute of either of them? What are the opposing animals in you that daily demand to dominate your actions?
All scholars and lay readers, are in agreement that man at his best, is just a higher animal, less than 5 steps ahead of chimpanzees. The lower developed man, is a beast, no better than a monkey.

Against this universal truth, I ask, what is the animal in you? How tamed is it? What animal do you manifest when you lose your cool, your schooling, pretenses and revert to state of nature? Often times, we hear, “do not let the animal in me come out.” In the midst of best pleasure known to man, enjoyed in state of natural nakedness, man and woman wriggle and thrust, displaying traits that are uniquely uneducated but attributes of animals in the lower rung of civilization.
If you approach sex, love making, from the point of a refined animal, you will not get the pleasure therein.
So I ask, what is your sexual animal? Are you aggressive hunter or submissive victim that derives orgasm from being dominated, choked like an Impala being suffocated to death by a lion?

It has been argued that there is a ton line between love and hate; pleasure and pain and in this tin line lies the real you.
On the other side of love making, is war, hate and distribution. These also bring out the beast in man. So I ask, what animal in you comes to the fore and take control of you, when you anger is over boiling? Are you a raging blind bull in the face of a pride of lions?
Are you a fox, instigating crisis? Or a hyena, laughing and waiting to scavenge like a vulture after your anger had cause loss of blood? Or are you a tortoise and folds into your shell once temper starts flying, only to peek to see the carnage your anger caused?
To excel in all spheres of life, you must know the animal in you. Either you take it, be in control of it or it will ruin you.

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