For the unbeliever, you are merely chanting empty words, romancing prayer beads;
For the initiate, you cast spell with words when you pray; your thoughtfully spoken or murmured words, interact with forces in nature, forces hovering seeking medium to express themselves and come alive. If your words are in unison with your soul and your soul willing to pay the price, your prayers will be answered, either to your good or to your hurt.
The great masters understand this and admonish us to guard our mouth, the words that comes out of it for they are clarion from our soul, seeking kindred spirit to fuse with.
Words are not empty but spirits, seeking other spirits to embody, resulting in waking of emotions of love, violence, hate, depression, discomfort and uplifting to others within the sphere of your words influence.
This sphere can be abridged and with speaking into phone, writing letters, shouting, you bring your hearer under your spell and your words sow seed in their hearts, troubling their minds to do your bidding.
On the other hand, the cosmos hear you; the elements align in line with your words and bring you success by opening your eyes to opportunities around you; cause men to find you favorable and empower you; pay you higher than others, for the same quality and quantity of job done.
When next you pray, don’t babble, thoughtfully chew your words; have sequence for voicing your words and be careful to what you direct your words.