The European Deception About The Sun-By Emeka Nwa Christopher

Sunday is the Holy Day of Christianity in the 7-day week of the Gregorian Calendar. In African Traditional Religion, the Sun is venerated and referred to as the Father of Humanity.
The Igbos refer to themselves as the Children of the Sun, (Umu AnyAnwu/Umu ChiUkwu).
Eke, the Igbo Holy Day is also a day dedicated to the Sun. The Sun is the parent Star of our Solar System.
A common name among the Igbo, is AnyaAnwu (literally the Eye of the Sun, but also used refer to the Sun. Anya is Eye in Igbo, while Anwu is Sun. Anwu also means Eternal). There is also the name NwaAnyaAnwu which literally means Child of the Sun.  These names recognise the Sun as the Father of Humanity. The Igbo associate the Sun with Fatherhood and the Moon with Motherhood.
The Hebrews also associate the Sun with Fatherhood and the Moon with Motherhood. The incontrovertible proof of that is in the Torah.
Let us examine one of the dreams of Joseph the Dreamer in Genesis 37:9-11.  “And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the Sun and the Moon and the eleven Stars made obeisance to me.
And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying.”
From the above passage, Jacob (IsRaEl) the Father of Joseph understood that reference to the Sun was reference to him as the Father of Joseph. He also understood that reference to the Moon was reference to the Mother of Joseph.
When the story of Joseph progressed to Egypt, he became ruler in a country where the Sun was openly recognised as the Father and Provider of Humanity. Significantly, he was married to Asenath, a Priestess of Amen Ra (the Sun) the daughter of the Priest of Amen Ra (the Sun) of the city of On (the Sun), also known as Heliopolis (City of the Sun).
Contrary to the lies that Africans have come to believe, the African veneration of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars is not borne out of ignorance or superstition. It is actually based on an understanding of Astrophysics and Astronomy. In other words, Igbo spirituality is science based. Our ancestors understood Physics. That is why they knew the role of the Sun in their origins and sustenance of life on Earth.
Carl Sagan was one of the most accomplished astrophysicists/astronomers of all times. He did not subscribe to any religion. As a scientist, he had some things to say about the Sun, the Stars, the Universe and Us.
“Our Sun is a second- or third-generation Star. All of the rocky and metallic material we stand on, the iron in our blood, the calcium in our teeth, the carbon in our genes were produced billions of years ago in the interior of a red giant Star. We are made of Star-stuff.”
“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing Stars. We are made of Star stuff.”
“We are the local embodiment of a Cosmos grown to self-awareness. We have begun to contemplate our origins. We are Star-stuff pondering the Stars! Our ancestors worshipped the Sun, and they were not that foolish. It makes sense to revere the Sun and the Stars, for we are their Children.”
“We are, in the most profound sense, Children of the Cosmos. Think of the Sun’s heat on your upturned face on a cloudless summer’s day; think how dangerous it is to gaze at the Sun directly. From 150 million kilometers away, we recognize its power. What would we feel on its seething self-luminous surface, or immersed in its heart of nuclear fire?
The Sun warms us and feeds us and permits us to see. It fecundated the Earth. It is powerful beyond human experience. Birds greet the sunrise with an audible ecstasy. Even some one-celled organisms know to swim to the light.
Our ancestors worshiped the Sun, and they were far from foolish. If we must worship a power greater than ourselves, does it not make sense to revere the Sun and Stars?
Hidden within every astronomical investigation, sometimes so deeply buried that the researcher himself is unaware of its presence, lies a kernel of awe.”
Europeans invaded Africa and told Africans that Sun veneration is pagan and uncivilised.
They told the Africans that they (the Europeans) had a revealed religion that would guarantee the Africans access to heaven.
The Europeans, who themselves had learned the African Traditional Religion of ancient Egypt and codified it in very elaborate disguise, introduced the very same African Traditional Religion to Africans with whitewashed images with embedded Sun symbols.
The Burning Bush is so obviously symbolic of the Sun!
The call of Moses, the Supposed Founder of Judaism is recorded in the Bible in the book of Exodus 3:2 thus: “And the Angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed”
The above is a very thinly veiled reference to the Sun. Every plant, tree, and/or bush is a direct offspring of the Sun. When you plant a seed and it germinates, the germination is for the purpose of seeking the Sun for life and nourishment. The seed itself is a product of the Sun from a previous cycle of photosynthesis.
The reference to a bush that is burning fire and yet is not consumed is a reference to the abundant Hydrogen which is continually fusing into Helium in the Sun to generate the Energy upon which all plants, animals and humans depend on for life, light and sustenance. There is sufficient Hydrogen in the Sun to last at least another 5 billion years. Every plant is an energy processing unit that processes electrical energy from the Sun into chemical energy utilising water and carbon dioxide and generating and releasing oxygen into the environment for humans and animals. That is what Photosynthesis means. Synthesis of Light. The Light of the Sun. So, a tree immediately and irrevocably stands as a symbol for the Sun. No Sun, no Tree.
Parents feed their children. The Sun feeds us. That’s why the Igbo refer to themselves as the Children of the Sun.  Ahiajioku is the Igbo word Burning Bush.
Every religion venerates the Sun, some openly, some by symbolism, some by subterfuge, and yet others ignorantly but they do it. Scientifically, it cannot be otherwise.
Christians who mock the Roman Catholic Church for showing so much Sun symbolism in their imagery and accuse them of Sun worship completely miss the point.
I am not endorsing the Roman Catholic Church. Many of their doctrines are keeping billions of humans close to the Truth, and yet light years away from it.  However, their top hierarchy have a better understanding of how the Universe operates than their traducers.
“Chi” (Igbo) “Chi” (Greek, also written as “X” in Greek alphabets from which Xmas is derived), “Chi” in the word “China” (Chinese) and “Chi” in the words “Child/Children” (English) mean the exact same thing. They are all about the Sun. They are all about Energy/ Light/Electricity from the Sun! That is why Ndi Igbo refer to themselves as Umu Anyanwu which literally means “Children of the Sun”.
All systems of religion and/or  spirituality are about the Sun. Scientifically, it cannot be otherwise. “Son” is actually “Sun”. The spelling was changed to prevent you from knowing the Truth.
Son of God is actually Sun of God. The Light of the World

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