The Art Of Getting Material Things Through Creative Visualization

Culled from Monographs 15 – 18, Tenth Degree, the Rosicrucian Order of England, with additional material courtesy of C.M.A.A.Z)

The morality behind the acquisition of material riches and the comfort of life, is one of the grounds for debate among many philosophers, religious leaders and other scholars. Some schools believe that money is the root of all evils and should be severely avoided if one chose to live a peaceful life.
They argue, as do some Buddhists and Christian priesthood, that all the sorrows of any individual can be traced to one thing: desire for material comfort, and that it is only by extinguishing those desires and sinking one’s mind and life into the Godhead that true personal peace is to be found.

The true Indian and Tibetan Yogis also uphold and live according to the above belief.
There is merit in the above point, although it has to be admitted that the fact that most Yogis and Buddhists are literal beggars, depending on their begging bowls to be filled by kind householders in order to eat, is not a source of comfort.
Begging by a healthy person is to be abhorred. And it is doubtful if the average Westerner (or an African) will be proud to beg for food as does his Oriental brother.
On the other hand, we disagree with those occult schools which teach that the sole purpose of all (their) practices is to enable their members to become very wealthy and powerful on the material plane at the expense of their souls. We know of a place where it is supposed that if one resorts with the head of a human being and prepares money medicine, money will flow like water to the person all the days of his or her life.
Indeed, we shall give below the method whereby those people claim to contact their Evil spirits or the Devil, whom they say makes them rich by prospering suddenly any business or work they may be engaged in.
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, now being founded by Fratre C.M.A.A.Z. under the direction and inspiration of His spirit Guide and Master, believes that money is both good and essential for health, happiness and even spiritual development.
This Manuscript took quite some time to compile from our sources, it cost a lot of money to produce in its present form, and it reached you in an envelope with Post Office stamps, which were all paid for. You also paid your hard-earned cash and swore allegiance to the Order before this Manuscript was sent to you.
So we disagree with the Buddhists and Hindus and Christian priesthood who condemn money and still beg for donations.

C.C.Ashimole, a Rosicrucian.

We also don’t agree with those who believe that a human being should devote all his life to the pursuit of wealth. That would be a shame.
Below, therefore, we present to you the two different formula said to be employed in attracting money in connection with business or work.
There must be some work, contact with successful people, belief that one can succeed, and hard work once the Way has been shown to you.
You have done the Middle Pillar exercise by the hour and leave thereby broken the wall separating you from the universal sea of cosmic power.
You now feel relaxed and can truly say, I and the Father are one”.
Now, let’s suppose you need some money, a specific amount of money say N500, for an urgent purpose, or you wish to set up a business ever some time. How do you go about it? You have met all friends, taken every step and done everything humanly possible and honourable to secure the money, to no avail.
The next step is to INVOKE GOD’S POWER and cause the invisible but real powers of this world to assist you suddenly and unfailingly. That is what you will do.
In some schools of practical psychology and metaphysics, the student is taught about the powers of the subconscious mind.
It is taught that if you mentally picture or visualize something very clearly, with a firm belief that the thing will be yours, the extreme powers of the subconscious mind will be unleashed and potent forces set into motion, which will attract to the person the desired good by connecting him unconsciously with the appropriate astral currents, powers and persons that will assist him.
This is true, to an extent; but we have known many such experiments which failed, even though some succeeded.
The failures occurred in the same way that certain drugs fail to cure a person while the same drugs cured another person with similar ailments.
In our above case the failure was caused because the person did not connect himself with the proper cosmic channels nor did he proceed the proper way. The Middle Pillar exercise given above is compulsory if success is to be expected.
So, mere visualizing doesn’t solve the problem.

EXPERIMENT:Do the middle Pillar exercise, slowly and carefully, for about an hour.
If you rush through it or do it with anxiety, then you would be wasting your time.
Slowly, in a relaxed, sleepy mood.That is the secret.
Next, imagine the afternoon SUN in all its brilliance, heat and splendor descending on you. Become the Sun. Let your aura dazzle with the pure yellow essence of the sun. Remain thus for five minutes or so.
Then, slowly, clearly and naturally from your palms into a cup and see the exact amount of money you need in your hands.
See it clearly, very clearly; feel it, own it as if it were really there. You are still surrounded by the Sun.
Be full of faith as if you already had it on you.
This is the kind of faith and belief which work the miracles “as if you already had it.”
The Master said: “Have faith in God, when you pray for anything, therefore, believe you already have it, and it will become yours”.
This is the key. If you merely hope, or wish, or watch to see, then you are not serious.
Believe deeply that it is already yours; the same sort of faith you would have if it were really there. Stay in that condition for about five minutes.
Then stop! stop! Feel sleepy once again.
Get up later and, lighting two yellow candles and some incense on your alter or a table, kneel down and pray for help using your dialect, and using a lot of force, , feeling, emotion and faith. Believe absolutely that God or the unseen powers will help you. Everything is possible unto Him. Believe it, feel it, know it, expect the results.
Stand up and face your alter or table.
Visualize the Sun (Terrific). Next visualize the as if it were in your room.
Next visualize the Holy Archangel Michael like an enamored soldier with a spear inside the sun, facing you.
Then intone these words…

To be continued next week…

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