Fibroid; Cause Prevention & Cure

Fibroid is a tumour which contains fibroid tissue or fibras. It is a benign tumour of the uterus growing in the womb or between outside the womb. However, fibroid are classified with different names in medical profession depending on the nature of the formation of the fibroid.
Preous Myoma: This type o fibroid grows outside the wall of the uterus and does not need any operation or any form of treatment until it grows bigger.
b.However the ones that grows in between and outside are classified into two:
1. Intramural Myomas: This kind of fibroid is found in the wall of the uterus, and can cause more problems when it grows bigger.
2. Submucous Myotas: This refers to the fibroid that is partially in the uterus cavity and partially in the wall of the uterus. It can cause serious bleeding and excessive menstrual flow.
The one inside is more problematic. It displays the position of the embryo in the womb. This one can prevent pregnancy from occurring, while the one outside is not problematic.Women may have it and still be pregnant. When such tumor is growing in the womb, some women may think they are pregnant. Fibroid is a disease for women. Men don’t have fibroid because of lack of womb.
We have poly fibroid: this is when they are many in the womb. When it is one it is called uni-fibroid. To know the type you have, you go for scan test. When a woman has fibroid, so many changes occur. When it is fully-grown, if it is touched it would be very hard.
There are few known risk factors for uterine fibroids, other than being a woman of reproductive age.
Factors that can have an impact on fibroid development include:
Race. Although all women of reproductive age could develop fibroids, black women are more likely to have fibroids than are women of other racial groups. In addition, black women have fibroids at younger ages, and they’re also likely to have more or larger fibroids, along with more-severe symptoms.
Heredity. If your mother or sister had fibroids, you’re at increased risk of developing them.
Other factors. Starting your period at an early age; obesity; a vitamin D deficiency; having a diet higher in red meat and lower in green vegetables, fruit and dairy; and drinking alcohol, including beer, appear to increase your risk of developing fibroids.1. Hormonal changes in women: Excess hormones in a woman.
2. Types of food: Food like pounded yam can cause fibroid.
Some dyfertilized food items, some of them that do not contain light enzyme like bread, biscuit, white man fast food, food usually associated with modern civilization.
3. Contraceptives/Pills: Some pills used in preventing pregnancy can cause fibroid.
Nature doesn’t allow vacuum, instead of a baby growing fibroid would grow, especially when you stay unnecessarily without getting married.
4. Some Modern Drugs: People take a lot of drugs that are not good for the body and thereby causing fibroid for themselves.
Many women who have fibroids don’t have any symptoms. In those that do, symptoms can be influenced by the location, size and number of fibroids.
In women who have symptoms, the most common signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids include:
Heavy menstrual bleeding
Menstrual periods lasting more than a week.
Pelvic pressure or pain.
Frequent urination.
Difficulty emptying the bladder.
Backache or leg pains.
Lumps, Stormy sensation in the womb.
Fibroid causes excess proflow menstruation, the blood may be coming out in lumps. In some it’s an excessive flow of blood. Some native people see it as a pregnancy caused by witches and wizard not knowing it is fibroid. Fibroid causes shortage of blood. In some cases you find out that the blood would be coming out from the vagina profusely. One can loose a bucket of blood.
Stress can cause induced fibroid, we should always minimize stress. Pollution like air, water can cause fibroid. Environmental pollution generally can induce fibroid.
Effects on the physiology of the body. Fibroid in the womb that display embryo can cause infertility (A woman from getting pregnant).
Another important effect, it can make a woman to become anemic due to loose of blood. It may be profuse, as the blood comes out.
Fibroid can cause psychological impotence in a man. The fact that your woman has fibroid can put off your sexual 
arousal occasionally.
Also the woman becomes psychologically disturbed. She is always conscious of herself thinking everyone already knows her problem. 
Also in some cultures and societies, woman with fibroid are regarded as cruel in character, they call them witches which is not supposed to be.
Fibroid prevents flow of appropriate movement of blood and nutrients to the womb, and when they are supplied, they are supply to make them grow bigger. Also when a woman has fibroid and she’s pregnant, the fibroid can constrict the space of the baby and such baby might not be able to move freely thereby causing problems for the baby.

But, by making healthy lifestyle choices, such as maintaining a healthy weight and eating fruits and vegetables, you may be able to decrease your fibroid risk.
Also, some research suggests that using hormonal contraceptives may be associated with a lower risk of fibroids.
The food you eat must contain alkaline/acid. While acid is 20%, alkaline should be 80% ration in the body. How do you maintain acid/alkaline in the body? You eat food that gives alkaline.
The reason here is that food is classified based on PH level, the measured level of acidity and alkalinity in the body. 
They are alkaline genic food and acid genic food. Alkaline is supposed to be 80% and Acid 20% in the body.
If your food contains more alkaline according to ratio, you are prone to having cancer, fibroid, high blood pressure.
When eating food, you must take good proportion. You must not eat some certain food together like protein and carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables are not supposed to be taken together. When eating, you are not suppose to be drinking.
When you do this, enzymes that are supposed to act in the body are washed away and this can cause fibroid.
Most Africans, especially Nigerians eat dead food, for example, pounded yam. It triggers off enzymes that cause fibroid.
When you eat ordinary yam, it is much better.    Note that digestion of carbohydrates starts from mouth while protein start from the stomach. The deposits of toxin begin to develop. Try and avoid dead food Life begets life’. Dead food doesn’t begets life.
Some herbs can be used like Yaro, uda, and ogugu in Ibo language, but the formula is in the hand of a practitioner.

  1. Avoid denatured food.
  2. Women should avoid constant eating of pounded yam.
  3. People should eat plenty of life food like vegetables. They should avoid plenty of dead food like cooked food.
  4. Women should avoid the use of contraceptives, because it affects the hormone and can alter the physiology of the body leading to growth.
  5. The use of onion and garlic as prevention.
  6. Carrots can be utilized because it contains a large amount of zinc, which influence sex gland positively.
  7. People should take herbs tea lik charanta mormodica.
  8. The use of uda and coconut root for pepper soup is very good.
  9. Oburumgbe is very good too.

With additional information from Maximum Health Link Magazine Vol.1. No. 1.
Mayo Clinic:,promote%20the%20growth%20of%20fibroids.

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