The Ancient Igbo Were Masters Of Physics

By Emeka Nwa Christopher.  

My people, the Igbo, are Children of the Sun, which is why an Igbo Man will sometimes refer to himself as NwaAnyaAnwu which literally means Child of the Sun ☀️. The Sun is a Star and is thus a Nuclear Power Station that GENERATES Massive Electricity.
The Universe is a Thermodynamic Electricity Grid. That is why it is said that God is Light. Light is Energy or Electricity. Energy or Electricity has always existed and will always exist. Energy cannot be created nor can it be destroyed. But the form of Energy can be transformed or changed. One example is Energy having its Vibrations lowered so as to be visible to the human eye 👁️ as Matter.

Our bodies are Matter. Matter is Energy whose Vibrational Frequency has been lowered in the course of Stellar Nucleosynthesis in Stars so as to become visible to see and solid to touch. In that regard, genius scientist and one of the most knowledgeable humans ever, Albert Einstein stated thus:

“Concerning Matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called Matter is Energy, whose Vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is only Light and Sound. Matter is Spirit reduced to point of Visibility. There is no Matter.”

As I repeatedly state, the Igbo refer to themselves as the Children of the Sun ☀️. The Sun is the Parent Star of our Solar/Sun System. It is scientifically established that humans are literally offsprings or descendants of the Stars. The only way that the Ancient Ndi Igbo could have understood their relationship with the Sun and other Stars was by understanding the Science of existence.
The Science that explains how Stars, such as the Sun operate is Physics, especially Quantum Physics. Physics is governed by Laws. In Igbo, the Quantum Physics is Iwu Anyanwu which means the Laws of the Sun.
The principles of Quantum Physics that govern the Nuclear Fusion in the Sun and other Stars also govern the firing of Human Brain Neurons. American Theoretical Physicist, Brian Greene stated thus concerning the relationship between the principles of Stellar Nucleosynthesis and us:

“When you realize that Quantum Mechanics (Quantum Physics) underlies all physical processes, from the Fusing of Atoms in the Sun to the Neural Firings that constitutes the stuff of thought, the far-reaching implications of the proposal become apparent. It says that there’s no such thing as a road untraveled. Yet each such road—each reality—is hidden from all others.”

The prowess of the Ancient Ndi Igbo in Physics was not limited to the Quantum Theory. It extended to the entirety of Physics. The excavation of ancient Igbo sites at Igbo Ukwu yielded rich harvests of scientific models created by ancient Igbo Scientists who understood Energy beyond what modern scientists can muster. The Bronze Hyperball or Torus (Hyper-Doughnut) Model unearthed at Igbo Ukwu has profoundly shocked modern Scientists who are yet to unlock all that is encoded therein.

The Igbo Ukwu Bronze Torus Model of the Universe depicts uninterupted, interconnected Hexagons, Equilateral Triangles and Interconnecting Nodes and Dots. This is the Torus Model of the Universe popularized by Stephen Hawkings. Each Hexagon in the design defines the basic form of a perfect Cube. The Phylactery tied by adherents of Judaism tie over their pineal area during prayer and the Ka’aba in Mecca are Cubes. The only “Spiritual” item in the UN Prayer and Meditation Room is the Cube.

Because their intimate understanding of the Science of existence, the Igbo abhor Atheism because they know that as the offsprings of the Universe, they’re not separate from or separable from their Source who is God. They understood that everything is Energy and all Energy emanate from One Source. That is what it meant by the statement Man is the Image and Likeness of God.

No person who understands that he is Conscious Energy can say that he has no Source. Everything is Energy/Electricity and all Energy/Electricity is Generated by and from a Source. It is settled in Quantum Physics AKA Quantum Mechanics that there is only One Source of all the Energy that constitutes and powers the Universe. That Single Source GENERATED all the Energy that there is including every Human. It is that Single Source that is sometimes referred to as God. Gene 🧬, Genesis, Generation, Genetics 🧬 all relate to Energy and its Source. The “G” in “GOD” stands for “GENERATOR”. There is a certain group that have a ring with “G” in the middle. That is because they know the Truth but want to keep the Masses ignorant, superstitious, gullible and always afraid.

Albert Einstein’s prodigious understanding of Science led him to conclude that there is a Secretive, Unimaginably Intelligent Source and Architect of all Energy in all its Forms. All Energy flows out from this Singularity that is the Source of the Energy powering the Universe since its inception about 14 billion years ago. He however admitted the strong limitations of the scientific understanding of the Universe in the following words:

“One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our Science, measured against Reality, is Primitive and Childlike. We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us. It is entirely possible that behind the perception of our senses, worlds are hidden of which we are unaware.”

On whether there is God, he said:

“I’m not an Atheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. The common idea that I am an atheist is based on a big mistake. Anyone who interprets my scientific theories this way, did not understand them.”

“What separates me from most so-called atheists is a feeling of utter humility towards the unattainable secrets of the harmony of the cosmos”

“The fanatical atheists, are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who–in their grudge against traditional religion as the ‘opium of the masses’– cannot hear the music of the spheres.”

On whether the Universe and the occurrences therein are random, he spoke in terms that suggest that he believed in predestination. He said:

“Everything is determined, every beginning and ending, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an Invisible Piper.”

Einstein, who sounded rather fatalistic, chose the appellation ‘Invisible Piper’ carefully and purposefully because Sound, as we can see from his quote concerning Matter, is a key component of Energy. The importance of Sound is underlined by the statement in the Bible that God created the Universe by the spoken Word. Word is an unmistakable reference to Sound. It is Sound that triggered the conversion of Energy at rest to Kinetic Energy that caused the expansion of the Universe to begin. That is the Sound referred to as the Big Bang.
Max Planck, who originated the Quantum Theory for Europeans and who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1918 said thus concerning the nature of existence: “Gentlemen, as a Physicist who all his life, within the most Sober and Rational Science, has been devoted to the study of Matter, I am certain to be free of the suspicion of being a Dreamer, and so I say after my research on the Atom; Matter as such does not exist. All Matter originates and exists only by virtue of a Force that brings the parts of the Atom to vibration, and keeps the smallest Solar System of the Universe together. ……so must we assume behind this Force the existence of a Conscious Intelligent Spirit. This Spirit is the basis of all matter. The Visible but Impermanent Matter is not the Reality and Truth- because without Spirit, Matter wouldn’t exist at all- but the Invisible, Immortal Spirit is the Truth. Because every Spirit belongs to a Being, we are forced to assume it to be a Spiritual Being. Because Spiritual beings do not come about by themselves, but must be created, I will not hesitate in fact, to call this Secretive Creator, like people of all cultures through millennia has done, God. Thereby moves the Physicist who dealt with Matter, from the Realm of Stuff to the Realm of the Spirit. And so is our task ended, and we must then pass on the research into the hands of the Philosophers.”

Emeka Nwa Christopher

In our Solar (Sun) System, the Sun is the focal point of the Singularity/Source from whom all Energy emanates. The Sun is a direct Offspring of and the Same with the Source of all Energy. (“I and my Father are One”). So are all the Stars. And so are all Human Beings who are descendants of Stars.

It is Unmitigated Ignorance that leads to Atheism. To be Atheist is to say that you do not exist.

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