Igbo; Where Are Your Intellectuals?

By Nze Tobe Osigwe (Ezeikolomuo)    
For several days I have been subsumed with this question, who are the current Igbo intellectuals? Where are our think-tanks?
Any nation without dynamic think-tanks will produce deformed masses. The job of intellectuals is to prepare future leaders via producing a vibrant middle class.
The true health of a society is seen in the presence or absence of her middle class. Unfortunately, Ala Igbo today is bereft of a middle class.
What we have is the Haves and the Have-nots. The Haves are our business and political elites who constitute five percent of Ndi Igbo. The Have-nots are the rest of us, the hewers of woods, the drawers of waters, the poor sit-at-home observers who constitute the remaining ignoble percent.
But in the beginning, it was not so!The first modern intellectual Ala Igbo produced was Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe. Ziks return from America in 1937 and his consequent establishment of West African Pilot galvanised the lethargic Igbos who were lagging behind educationally. When parents heard Zik speak or read his writings, parents desired their children to become like Zik.
The appearance of Zik produced, inspired and equipped a lot of Igbo intellectuals. From Mazi Mbonu Ojike to the Mbadiwes: Kingsley and Ozuomba to Nwafor Orizu, Okongwu, Michael Okpara, Mbazuluike Amaechi, Ikechukwu Ikejiani etc. Zik fired up many Igbo youths, he pointed the way to the Golden Fleece of education. This quest to drink the chalice of academics birthed the first Igbo think-tanks.
Mass Education of Umu Igbo was at the root of the establishment of Igbo State Union which Zik became its first president. Through this union and other town unions, there was quick establishment of schools in nook and crannies of Ala Igbo.
However, when this set of Zik inspired intellectuals attained their goal which is Nigerian Independence, they lost their bearing. It became a case of mission accomplished. Or should I say, it’s time to enjoy, no more sanctimonious pontification.
But as they were losing steam, a new set of Igbo intellectuals where ushered in by Achebe, Obiechina, Nzimiro, Elechi Amadi, Anaezi Okoro, Chinweizu, Flora Nwapa, Cyprian Ekwensi, Buchi Emechata etc.Unfortunately, the post traumatic effect of the Nigerian Civil War heavily affected this generation of Igbo intellectuals. Many of them gave up their important duty of preparing a solid Igbo middle class and relocated to America or any other part of Europe they felt their intellectual prowess will be better appreciated.
The departure of this generation of intellectuals laid the foundation of what Ala Igbo is going through today in terms of dearth of a thinking middle class.
Albeit, Ohaneze Ndi Igbo which was formed within this period to become a new thinking class and voice of the Igbo people tried to fill the gap that was left by the Achebes. Unfortunately, the group couldn’t. Intellectuals are intellectuals. If you are not one, you are not one!
The true job of an intellectual is to pontificate, to write, to critic, to understudy the past, and consequently, predict the future. An intellectual synthesise theories. They feel the pulse of the ordinary masses and convey these pulses to elites in an unapologetic terms.
Intellectuals are academics.  
They are writers. They are prophets. They are protest artists. Intellectuals are not contract finders! They are not sycophants who masquerade as PAs to big shots. They are not contract writers. An intellectual stays and dies in the trenches with the masses!
Intellectuals are not spineless elders who sit at home and watch the she goat deliver while tethered. An intellectual is an accomplished professional not a praise singer who thinks through their belly!Think-tanks are not pot bellied men who who move from one government house to another in search of daily bread wearing red caps.
Ladies and gentlemen, Ohaneze Ndi Igbo were not intellectuals. So, they were bound to fail. And they failed woefully.
While Ohaneze Ndi Igbo faltered, a new set of Ndi Igbo United under the banner of the church to pose as the voices of the people. It was Pope John Paul II that opened their eyes when he visited Anambra State and asked a simple question “you said Catholics are the majority, how come a Catholic is not the governor of the state?”.
This question was the birth of Episcopal involvement in Igbo political landscape. The church began to pose as the voice of the people to determine who leads and who doesn’t.
But as usual, the church will always do a bad job, because they are theologians not intellectuals. Their loyalty is to Jesus not to Ndi Igbo.  Meanwhile, as the church was perfecting itself as the new Igbo think-tank, MNK stepped into the scene like wildfire and swept every one away. By everyone I mean, both the Church and Ohaneze Ndi Igbo. MNK used Azikiwe”s mass media technique to get the attention of the masses. He promised them Eldorado if they can help him get his political fief.The masses obediently followed him. He taught them. He coached them. He galvanised them and they in turn deified him. He allowed them to deify him. But an intellectual is an intellectual not a God. An intellectual is an idealist not a delusionist! Not realising this was a faux pas on his part.
As he was locked away, the finicky Finnish man stepped in. Finicky man who is neither an intellectual nor an accomplished professional stepped in during the period of power struggle within MNK camp. He borrowed MNK talking tough techniques and discarded his teaching and education technique.
Today, the finicky Finnish man has led and is continuing to lead the Igbo masses into self immolation while the Igbo elites who are totally disconnected from the masses watch on.
Fortunately, a new movement is arising in Ala Igbo with Odinani Reawakening as its face. Whether this movement will intellectualize its movement is left to be seen.
Igbo masses need to be re-educated. Igbos need to produce again a thinking middle class. Not the money conscious, money-na-water, valueless and mannerless breed we are churning out now.Ndi Igbo, need to produce a populace that will reignite the exemplary principle of Aka aja aja na ebute onu mmanu mmanu(Industry) which Igbos were known for!
Ndi Igbo need to produce a populace that will go back to the Igbo ancient principle of Ome ife jide Ofo(Integrity).
Ndi Igbo need to produce a populace that will get back the bond-knit Igbo spirit of Onye aghana nwanne ya(True Brotherhood).
It is the job of Igbo intellectuals to inspire, re-educate, point the way and equip the Igbo populace. But who are these intellectuals? Where are they?Nze Tobe Osigwe (Ezeikolomuo).
Obi Eziokwu Nkpoka, Nnewichi-Nnewi

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