Holy Water.

Warning: Seek guidance from your spiritual leader, pastor or imam, before embarking on any spiritual act.  
In all religions, Water,  is extensively used and considered by some as sacred and holy item. No religion has the exclusive right to the phrase, “holy water.”
How do you make water holy.
Water from some rivers, streams, springs, ponds, have been known to have divine miraculous properties.
If you have access to such, there is no need to bless water from them, just pray and apply-sprinkle around your house, mix in your regular drinking water and consume, depending on what you seek to achieve.
But if you are far from these healing streams, rivers, spring and seasonal ponds, fetch water from your borehole, tap, rain or stream, river, sea and proceed to consecrate it.Depending on your faith, choose a verse from your holy book and chant over the water, releasing energy from the cosmic plane into the water, with the recitation of the verse intermittently.
If you are consecrating the water to be used as a healing tonic, casting away evil energy from you and your dwelling place, whatever it be, use appropriate verse and chant, calling on that medium to incarnate the water and transform. Cleanse yourself (3 days abstinence from sex and alcohol ) with alligator pepper or incense acceptable by your faith, light up a candle to symbolically illuminate your part as you call on the divine to descend into the water.If you cannot access sea salt, regular kitchen salt can be added to the water as a conductor to bring down the forces you had been calling, into the water, if it is to wad off evil energies.
When you are done, the water is now transformed and no longer water but concentrated (holy) bearing the healing, protective properties, you had by faith called into it.
In some religions, the moon energy, is used as a way of consecrating water to make it holy and sacred. You can leave gathered water outside for three nights in a row: the night before, during, and after the full moon. If you want to use your water specifically for attraction, leave it out during the waxing phase, and during the waning phase of the moon, for banishing magic.Research has shown that,  Sea Water is the most pure and sacred of all types of holy water—after all, it is provided by nature, and is a powerful force indeed. If you are near an ocean, use a bottle with a cap to collect sea water for use in your rituals.
If your tradition requires it, you may wish to make an offering as thanks, or perhaps say a small blessing as you collect the water.

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