Who Is A False Prophet & How To Overcome The Legion Of Darkness

There are many charlatans who pose as ministers, spiritual workers and teachers of truth, but are in reality wolves in sheep’s clothing.
These false prophets dupe vulnerable people out of money and give only confusion and fear in return.
The Brotherhood of Darkness inspire these people to misuse their gifts so that their victims lose faith in the true spiritual work. We must never judge the truth because of some false representative of truth.
We can always recognize a false prophet by the fact that such persons seek to rule over others in some way; they use brainwashing techniques or fear to force people over to their way of thinking, or will not perform their services for those unable to pay their fees.
There are some people who have degenerated to the point that they drain the life force from others. These have been called vampires. living persons may be vampires when they constantly drain another person by taking too much of their time and energy rather than learn to stand on their own and develop.
Some earthbound spirits become the type of vampires we read about in horror stories and see in movies. They prey on weak people, draining them of their energy and will power.

OVERCOMING THE LEGIONS OF DARKNESS:   We can overcome the forces of evil by maintaining a positive attitude and generating positive thoughts. As stated earlier in this work, our thoughts are the means by which we can change our life.
Our thoughts, feelings and deeds can be the means to our freedom, or they can become the chains which bind us to a long earthbound existence after physical death.
It is the quality of our expressions which determine our destiny. Some of the thoughts which torment us may be inspired by these degenerated spirits. When we are aware of this fact we can Observe our thoughts with more wisdom and learn which to reject and which to admit into our consciousness.  Everyone must walk the path of cleansing their inner self, sooner or later.
Our conscious effort in this area will save us from many torments. 
It can be a difficult task to overcome the negative thoughts which have beset us if we attempt to do it without the proper help.
However, by entering a path of study with a genuine mystery school we can learn and master specific techniques which can help us find liberation from the limitations of our human existence.
Even after we enter the path we may find that it takes us a considerable time to overcome all of the negative thoughts, feelings and deeds of darkness.     Only by constant effort will we become strong and powerful enough to change our life.

The illustration below depicts a demon with a bird in a nest on its head.

This reveals a new meaning to the term “a little bird told me”: Birds are often used as symbols for thoughts.
Thus the bird in this illustration is symbolic of evil thoughts.
The nest reveals that evil thoughts may find a nest, or resting place in our conscious and subconscious thinking.
The demon symbolic of the fact that we can become the devil or our own worse enemy by the thoughts we allow to dominate our thinking.

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