
When things are not going well for you, after you had done things humanly possible to get things right, in Igbo land, you are advised to go to find out, whom you had offended.
This whom, is not only referring to any human whose spirit has refused to forgive you but also the Gods of your land, particularly your Chi and other ministering spirits your creator had assigned to guide you through your journey here on Earth.
Anyone desirous of finding out, does so by going to a Dibia. The Dibia specialised in finding out causes and solutions to your problems, is called Dibia Ohu’zo, Dibia Afa that is, seer, diviner.
He or she, will use Afa to  know the root cause of your problems and solutions to it.
Afa, is the act, art and science of divination in Igbo culture, is akin to Ifa in Yoruba land, Cleromancy among the European and Casting of Lot among the early Apostles of Jesus. (Acts of the Apostles 1:25-26).
The above, all use binary system to decipher what the combination of the result of the throws are saying.
In Igbo we have different types of Afa, depending on the tool used the casting.
Afa oji: using kolanut to consult. The kolanut is cast and the combination of how many lobes faced down or up when thrown 4 times(Eke, Orie, Afo na Nkwo) will be interpreted. Often times, the kolanut will be spoken to, to appear in a certain formation, if the Gods or the Chi of the one seeking Afa, is saying this or that.
Afa uguri: using uguri seed arranged in a row to trace problems and solutions to it.
Afa okwe: using mkpuru udara, cowries, bones, beads,special honed stones etc to trace people’s problems and solutions.Interestingly, there is an App for divination. I must warn; if you want to do self Afa, YOU MUST BE HONEST AND DO NOT MANIPULATE the sequence to suit your preconceived desired result.
Allow the Afa to speak. If the result is not palatable, you should further ask; What do I need to do, to avert this Uchu.
Afa will tell you what sacrifice you need to do to appease the forces and clear road for you or the animal to bring (scapegoat) which will carry the evil that would have befallen you.

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